Music from the Heart

7HY (Seven Hard Years) - Rogues Gallery

Taken from each of their previous albums, Seven Hard Years have acoustically reimagined some of their classic songs and brought them together in one very special album. Entitled 'Rogues Gallery', it evokes mellow, laid back feelings from the opening few bars to the final track. Lion's Pride Music, along with Alan Kelly, Shawn Pelata and Andrew Chick, are excited to bring to you this rendering of the Seven Hard Years legacy, as well as one, never before released track "In Your Arms"

What happens when a melodic hard rock band goes acoustic? It isn't as odd as it sounds. The songs change, become more intimate, accepted even by those for whom hard rock isn't their cup of tea. There's more space for the lyrics to resonate with the listener, create a deeper emotional impact that lasts longer. What doesn't change is the theme of the songs, breakup and all its shades.

Strangers Again is a perfect example of this. A track filled with nostalgia and the sense of starting over but the sadness doesn't overcome you as you listen. Quite the opposite. You may even start to believe in second chances and that the hope is out there for everyone.

Never Say Goodbye presents a different take on a classic theme in the melodic rock genre. A hopeful track where the determination to make the relationship work no matter what is the driving force.

"i don't wanna be the one who lies, I don't wanna be the one to say goodbye, the one who makes you cry"

One More Day continues in the same mood and takes it to another level. The singer expresses gratitude to be with his significant other, the impatience to be with her again, he's aware of the sacrifices he makes but he knows he's doing it all for her. What keeps him going through the day is the knowing he has someone to return home to when the long day is over.

"Everytime you pulled me back you reached out to my heart"

In Your Arms  is quite a departure for the band. The country elements and especially the fiddle surely isn't something you would think of in a melodic rock band. But why not? As we mentioned before, the acoustic reimagination gives you an opportunity to experiment more, to uncover the hidden layers behind the songs, let them introduce you to their new lives.

Artwork: Alan Kelly

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